
We were given the brief to have 6 photographs which relate to home for you, I have chosen to use images of things that I have taken to university from home  and that remind me of different things that I have done whilst I was at home and still what I do at university, home to me is where you do things that you enjoy and have no worries whilst doing these things. I feel like this is a strong representation of my interpretation of home.

As a whole, I feel like not all the photos fit in together this is not a problem but if I was showing them as a set then I would not put all these pictures together as this is not part of the brief and these do not all follow the same styles within the actual photography itself.




Skating is my second passion after photography and by looking at this picture it makes me feel and I hope the viewer feel that when skating I am hidden in the shadows and not many people do this as a sport and so to show how used these are in the clear picture it allows me to express that I feel that this picture is the best picture for this brief and I love the use of the orange light to have a glossy feel to picture.



Technology has been a big part of my life and this was the first picture I took in the set, this is the best picture for lighting and layout as I feel that this has a lot of intricacy in it and the lighting is perfect I like how the light is reflecting off the mouse and that the two things that I have up are both facebook and youtube where there is a link to the music therapy picture as this is what I do when I am down and need to cheer myself up. the use of light is a representation of the dark self I feel when using this equipment.

Circus Skills

Circus Skills

Circus skills and entertaining people has always been a pleasure of mine and it is a reflection of my personality that I am a fun person who has many sides this is why I think this picture represents home to me as I am at home making people happy just like a clown would. By using a mirror I have doubled the picture and it fits in with the reflection of my personality. The use of blue in this image is strong and is a sub-meaning to this as my favourite colour is blue.



Scouting has been in my life for a lot of years since I was just 5 and I have collected a lot of memories and well scarfs in my time as a scout and by looking at this picture it gives off the feeling of unity i feel when i am participating in a scouting event the way the scarfs are laid out looks as though they are all connected and the different colours show the passion from different people I have met and traded these scarfs with, this picture I feel is pleasing in the way that the rule of thirds is used as there is part of scarf in all directions and it is a very even picture.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy

This is the only image that I feel has an obvious meaning that simply without my speaker and the music that I can listen to whenever I want I would not have done the amount of work that I have done and would not have done a lot of the things that I have done in my life music makes something that I think is uncomfortable more comfortable, by having music it gives me flow. This image is fully in focus and I like how you can see the detail on the front of the speaker and makes the house really stand out with the plain colours surrounding it.



This final image is of my squash equipment and I feel this image has good dynamics, however, lacks aesthetically pleasing lighting and the way the finished product looks, this image is still a good representation of the release I have that when a squash racquet is in my hands I feel at home.


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